EUPD Research’s latest EndCustomer Monitor shows a continuously growing self-consumption rate amongst newer photovoltaic installations. Every other PV system owner – who had their PV plant installed between the years 2016-2019 – is able to use more than 40 percent of the produced PV electricity directly on-site. Small-sized PV systems up to 3 kWp installed during this time reach an average self-consumption rate of 65 percent.
Bonn. In 2020 the German PV market continues its constant growth path of the past years. Now the 5 GW mark of new PV installations in 2020 seems realistic and attainable. Analysts of the Bonn-based market and economic research institute EUPD Research expect a newly installed capacity of 4.8 GW in 2020. While state-guaranteed feed-in tariffs for new solar installations continue to decrease, electricity prices are on the rise, especially for private end consumers. A temporary cut of the value-added tax resulted in a short-term ease of the electricity prices. Once the reduction of the value-added tax will be reversed in January 2021, new record highs are to be expected.
Analyses of the new EUPD Research study “EndCustomer Monitor 10.0: The German PV Market from an End Customer Perspective. Focus: Electric Mobility and Storage Solutions”, reveal that self-consumption plays a more and more important role for PV system owners. It becomes apparent that older PV systems installed until the end of 2008 are feeding all of the produced electricity into the grid. PV system owners with storage and new electricity consumers, such as heat pumps and electric vehicles, however, are able to increase their self-consumption rate significantly.
The latest survey EndCustomerMonitor 10.0 impressively demonstrates that almost half of the PV system owners with installations completed between 2016 and 2019 have a self-consumption rate of more than 40%. One in ten PV system operators achieves a self-consumption rate of more than 80% of the produced solar electricity.
For a detailed analysis of installations years 2016 to 2019, the small-sized PV system segment is distinguished by installed capacity in combination with the self-consumption rate. This reveals that for small-sized systems up to 3 kWp an average of 65% of the produced PV electricity is being consumed directly on-site. The share of self-consumption falls to 49% and 43% for systems with capacities between 3 to 7 kWp and 7 to 10 kWp.
In its 10th edition of the EndCustomer Monitor, EUPD Research analyzes the purchase behavior of PV system owners and those planning to invest in solar PV, as well as the latest trends. Topics such as brand awareness, brand choice, recommendation of PV modules, inverters and battery storage solutions are once again key components of the study. This year, the study focuses on electric mobility and battery storage.
Please find further information about the study here. For questions please contact Mona Guled (m.guled[at], leading project manager at EUPD Research.